Package | us.nlm.vsac |
Type | ValueSet |
Id | Id |
FHIR Version | R4 |
Source | |
Url | |
Version | 20230122 |
Status | active |
Date | 2023-01-22T01:03:33-05:00 |
Name | BrainInjuryTraumaticDisordersICD10CM |
Title | Brain Injury [Traumatic] (Disorders) (ICD10CM) |
Experimental | False |
Realm | us |
Authority | hl7 |
Purpose | (Clinical Focus: This set of values contains diagnoses or problems that represent traumatic brain injury regardless of the clinical presentation of the condition),(Data Element Scope: Laboratory tests names that were ordered or observed.),(Inclusion Criteria: traumatic brain injury: S02.0. S02.1, S02.80-S02.82, S02.91, S04.02, S04.03, S04.04, S06, S07.1, T74.4),(Exclusion Criteria: none) |
No resources found
CodeSystem | | ![]() | International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) | ![]() | International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) |
"resourceType" : "ValueSet",
"id" : "2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1146.1742",
"meta" : {
"versionId" : "11",
"lastUpdated" : "2023-12-21T17:43:03.000-05:00",
"profile" : [
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueContactDetail" : {
"name" : "CSTE Author"
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "Head_Injury,Trigger"
"url" : "",
"valueDate" : "2024-06-05"
"url" : "",
"valueDate" : "2023-01-22"
"url" : "",
"identifier" : [
"system" : "urn:ietf:rfc:3986",
"value" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1146.1742"
"version" : "20230122",
"name" : "BrainInjuryTraumaticDisordersICD10CM",
"title" : "Brain Injury [Traumatic] (Disorders) (ICD10CM)",
"status" : "active",
"date" : "2023-01-22T01:03:33-05:00",
"publisher" : "CSTE Steward",
"jurisdiction" : [
"coding" : [
"system" : "urn:iso:std:iso:3166",
"code" : "US"
"purpose" : "(Clinical Focus: This set of values contains diagnoses or problems that represent traumatic brain injury regardless of the clinical presentation of the condition),(Data Element Scope: Laboratory tests names that were ordered or observed.),(Inclusion Criteria: traumatic brain injury: S02.0. S02.1, S02.80-S02.82, S02.91, S04.02, S04.03, S04.04, S06, S07.1, T74.4),(Exclusion Criteria: none)",
"compose" : {
"include" : [
"system" : "",
"concept" : [
"code" : "S02.0XXA",
"display" : "Fracture of vault of skull, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.0XXB",
"display" : "Fracture of vault of skull, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.101A",
"display" : "Fracture of base of skull, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.101B",
"display" : "Fracture of base of skull, right side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.102A",
"display" : "Fracture of base of skull, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.102B",
"display" : "Fracture of base of skull, left side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.109A",
"display" : "Fracture of base of skull, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.109B",
"display" : "Fracture of base of skull, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.110A",
"display" : "Type I occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.110B",
"display" : "Type I occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.111A",
"display" : "Type II occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.111B",
"display" : "Type II occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.112A",
"display" : "Type III occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.112B",
"display" : "Type III occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.113A",
"display" : "Unspecified occipital condyle fracture, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.113B",
"display" : "Unspecified occipital condyle fracture, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.118A",
"display" : "Other fracture of occiput, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.118B",
"display" : "Other fracture of occiput, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.119A",
"display" : "Unspecified fracture of occiput, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.119B",
"display" : "Unspecified fracture of occiput, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.11AA",
"display" : "Type I occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.11AB",
"display" : "Type I occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.11BA",
"display" : "Type I occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.11BB",
"display" : "Type I occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.11CA",
"display" : "Type II occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.11CB",
"display" : "Type II occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.11DA",
"display" : "Type II occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.11DB",
"display" : "Type II occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.11EA",
"display" : "Type III occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.11EB",
"display" : "Type III occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.11FA",
"display" : "Type III occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.11FB",
"display" : "Type III occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.11GA",
"display" : "Other fracture of occiput, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.11GB",
"display" : "Other fracture of occiput, right side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.11HA",
"display" : "Other fracture of occiput, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.11HB",
"display" : "Other fracture of occiput, left side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.121A",
"display" : "Fracture of orbital roof, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.121B",
"display" : "Fracture of orbital roof, right side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.122A",
"display" : "Fracture of orbital roof, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.122B",
"display" : "Fracture of orbital roof, left side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.129A",
"display" : "Fracture of orbital roof, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.129B",
"display" : "Fracture of orbital roof, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.19XA",
"display" : "Other fracture of base of skull, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.19XB",
"display" : "Other fracture of base of skull, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.80XA",
"display" : "Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.80XB",
"display" : "Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.81XA",
"display" : "Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.81XB",
"display" : "Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, right side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.82XA",
"display" : "Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.82XB",
"display" : "Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, left side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S02.91XA",
"display" : "Unspecified fracture of skull, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"code" : "S02.91XB",
"display" : "Unspecified fracture of skull, initial encounter for open fracture"
"code" : "S04.02XA",
"display" : "Injury of optic chiasm, initial encounter"
"code" : "S04.031A",
"display" : "Injury of optic tract and pathways, right side, initial encounter"
"code" : "S04.032A",
"display" : "Injury of optic tract and pathways, left side, initial encounter"
"code" : "S04.039A",
"display" : "Injury of optic tract and pathways, unspecified side, initial encounter"
"code" : "S04.041A",
"display" : "Injury of visual cortex, right side, initial encounter"
"code" : "S04.042A",
"display" : "Injury of visual cortex, left side, initial encounter"
"code" : "S04.049A",
"display" : "Injury of visual cortex, unspecified side, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.0X0A",
"display" : "Concussion without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.0X1A",
"display" : "Concussion with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.0X9A",
"display" : "Concussion with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.1X0A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.1X1A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.1X2A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.1X3A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.1X4A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.1X5A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.1X6A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.1X7A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.1X8A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.1X9A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.2X0A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.2X1A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.2X2A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.2X3A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.2X4A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.2X5A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious levels, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.2X6A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.2X7A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.2X8A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.2X9A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.300A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.301A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.302A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.303A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.304A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.305A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.306A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.307A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.308A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.309A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.310A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.311A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.312A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.313A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.314A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.315A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.316A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.317A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.318A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.319A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.320A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.321A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.322A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.323A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.324A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.325A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.326A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.327A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.328A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.329A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.330A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.331A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.332A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.333A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.334A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.335A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.336A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.337A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.338A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.339A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.340A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.341A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.342A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.343A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hours to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.344A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.345A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.346A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.347A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.348A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.349A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.350A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.351A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.352A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.353A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hours to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.354A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.355A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.356A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.357A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.358A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.359A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.360A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.361A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.362A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.363A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 1 hours to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.364A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.365A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.366A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.367A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.368A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.369A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.370A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.371A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.372A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.373A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.374A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.375A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.376A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.377A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.378A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.379A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.380A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.381A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.382A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.383A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.384A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.385A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.386A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.387A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.388A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.389A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.4X0A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.4X1A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.4X2A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.4X3A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.4X4A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.4X5A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.4X6A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.4X7A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.4X8A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other causes prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.4X9A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.5X0A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.5X1A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.5X2A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.5X3A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.5X4A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.5X5A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.5X6A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.5X7A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury before regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.5X8A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause before regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.5X9A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.6X0A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.6X1A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.6X2A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.6X3A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.6X4A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.6X5A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.6X6A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.6X7A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.6X8A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.6X9A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.810A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.811A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.812A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.813A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.814A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.815A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.816A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.817A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.818A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.819A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.820A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.821A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.822A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.823A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.824A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.825A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.826A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.827A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.828A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.829A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.890A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.891A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.892A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.893A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.894A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.895A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.896A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.897A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.898A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.899A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.9X0A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.9X1A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.9X2A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.9X3A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.9X4A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.9X5A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.9X6A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.9X7A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.9X8A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.9X9A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.A0XA",
"display" : "Traumatic brain compression without herniation, initial encounter"
"code" : "S06.A1XA",
"display" : "Traumatic brain compression with herniation, initial encounter"
"code" : "S07.1XXA",
"display" : "Crushing injury of skull, initial encounter"
"expansion" : {
"identifier" : "urn:uuid:06bb0528-d8f7-40c3-8a86-a4d9cfaa65e7",
"timestamp" : "2024-12-10T06:38:54-05:00",
"total" : 245,
"contains" : [
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.0XXA",
"display" : "Fracture of vault of skull, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.0XXB",
"display" : "Fracture of vault of skull, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.101A",
"display" : "Fracture of base of skull, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.101B",
"display" : "Fracture of base of skull, right side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.102A",
"display" : "Fracture of base of skull, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.102B",
"display" : "Fracture of base of skull, left side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.109A",
"display" : "Fracture of base of skull, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.109B",
"display" : "Fracture of base of skull, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.110A",
"display" : "Type I occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.110B",
"display" : "Type I occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.111A",
"display" : "Type II occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.111B",
"display" : "Type II occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.112A",
"display" : "Type III occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.112B",
"display" : "Type III occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.113A",
"display" : "Unspecified occipital condyle fracture, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.113B",
"display" : "Unspecified occipital condyle fracture, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.118A",
"display" : "Other fracture of occiput, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.118B",
"display" : "Other fracture of occiput, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.119A",
"display" : "Unspecified fracture of occiput, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.119B",
"display" : "Unspecified fracture of occiput, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.11AA",
"display" : "Type I occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.11AB",
"display" : "Type I occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.11BA",
"display" : "Type I occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.11BB",
"display" : "Type I occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.11CA",
"display" : "Type II occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.11CB",
"display" : "Type II occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.11DA",
"display" : "Type II occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.11DB",
"display" : "Type II occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.11EA",
"display" : "Type III occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.11EB",
"display" : "Type III occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.11FA",
"display" : "Type III occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.11FB",
"display" : "Type III occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.11GA",
"display" : "Other fracture of occiput, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.11GB",
"display" : "Other fracture of occiput, right side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.11HA",
"display" : "Other fracture of occiput, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.11HB",
"display" : "Other fracture of occiput, left side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.121A",
"display" : "Fracture of orbital roof, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.121B",
"display" : "Fracture of orbital roof, right side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.122A",
"display" : "Fracture of orbital roof, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.122B",
"display" : "Fracture of orbital roof, left side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.129A",
"display" : "Fracture of orbital roof, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.129B",
"display" : "Fracture of orbital roof, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.19XA",
"display" : "Other fracture of base of skull, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.19XB",
"display" : "Other fracture of base of skull, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.80XA",
"display" : "Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.80XB",
"display" : "Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.81XA",
"display" : "Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.81XB",
"display" : "Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, right side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.82XA",
"display" : "Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.82XB",
"display" : "Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, left side, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.91XA",
"display" : "Unspecified fracture of skull, initial encounter for closed fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S02.91XB",
"display" : "Unspecified fracture of skull, initial encounter for open fracture"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.02XA",
"display" : "Injury of optic chiasm, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.031A",
"display" : "Injury of optic tract and pathways, right side, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.032A",
"display" : "Injury of optic tract and pathways, left side, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.039A",
"display" : "Injury of optic tract and pathways, unspecified side, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.041A",
"display" : "Injury of visual cortex, right side, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.042A",
"display" : "Injury of visual cortex, left side, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.049A",
"display" : "Injury of visual cortex, unspecified side, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.0X0A",
"display" : "Concussion without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.0X1A",
"display" : "Concussion with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.0X9A",
"display" : "Concussion with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.1X0A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.1X1A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.1X2A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.1X3A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.1X4A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.1X5A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.1X6A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.1X7A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.1X8A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.1X9A",
"display" : "Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.2X0A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.2X1A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.2X2A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.2X3A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.2X4A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.2X5A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious levels, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.2X6A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.2X7A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.2X8A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.2X9A",
"display" : "Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.300A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.301A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.302A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.303A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.304A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.305A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.306A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.307A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.308A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.309A",
"display" : "Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.310A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.311A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.312A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.313A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.314A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.315A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.316A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.317A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.318A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.319A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.320A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.321A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.322A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.323A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.324A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.325A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.326A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.327A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.328A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.329A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.330A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.331A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.332A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.333A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.334A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.335A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.336A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.337A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.338A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.339A",
"display" : "Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.340A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.341A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.342A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.343A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hours to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.344A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.345A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.346A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.347A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.348A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.349A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.350A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.351A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.352A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.353A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hours to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.354A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.355A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.356A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.357A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.358A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.359A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.360A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.361A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.362A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.363A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 1 hours to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.364A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.365A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.366A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.367A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.368A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.369A",
"display" : "Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.370A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.371A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.372A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.373A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.374A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.375A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.376A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.377A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.378A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.379A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.380A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.381A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.382A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.383A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.384A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.385A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.386A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.387A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.388A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.389A",
"display" : "Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.4X0A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.4X1A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.4X2A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.4X3A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.4X4A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.4X5A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.4X6A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.4X7A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.4X8A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other causes prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.4X9A",
"display" : "Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.5X0A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.5X1A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.5X2A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.5X3A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.5X4A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.5X5A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.5X6A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.5X7A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury before regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.5X8A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause before regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.5X9A",
"display" : "Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.6X0A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.6X1A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.6X2A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.6X3A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.6X4A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.6X5A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.6X6A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.6X7A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.6X8A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.6X9A",
"display" : "Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.810A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.811A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.812A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.813A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.814A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.815A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.816A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.817A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.818A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.819A",
"display" : "Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.820A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.821A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.822A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.823A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.824A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.825A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.826A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.827A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.828A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.829A",
"display" : "Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.890A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.891A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.892A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.893A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.894A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.895A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.896A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.897A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.898A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.899A",
"display" : "Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.9X0A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury without loss of consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.9X1A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.9X2A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.9X3A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.9X4A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.9X5A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.9X6A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.9X7A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.9X8A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.9X9A",
"display" : "Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.A0XA",
"display" : "Traumatic brain compression without herniation, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S06.A1XA",
"display" : "Traumatic brain compression with herniation, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S07.1XXA",
"display" : "Crushing injury of skull, initial encounter"
"text" : {
XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.